Skill View® model provides a positive answer to companies which more often try to integrate the assessment through tests in the recruiting activity, career management and training/education field.
Through the partners collaboration, the University International Centre (CUI) has promoted the implementation of Skill View® among the main public and private organizations of many Italian productive industries. The partners action inspire itself to CUI’s ethical values basically designed to promote talents in every working environment starting with the unique and original resources that each person has.
Today, the partners have the opportunity to participate to the diffusion of the scientific model Skill View®through their own websites, portals and structured blogs in HR environment. The partnership program (HR and B2C) proposed through our portal “originalskills” does not required any financial investments and enhances the services offered by companies particularly active in the HR environment.
Can become CUI’s partner:
- Consulting companies, job agencies, recruitment and temporary job societies.
- HR professionals and consultants which adopt Skill View® model and promote it to their clients.
Our partners

AlmaLaurea was born in 1994 at the University of Bologna (from the idea of a professor of social statistics and two young collaborators). Today, AlmaLaurea represents almost 80% of Italian graduates (1,988,000 from 65 Italian Universities up to04/11/2014) and has now grown to 57 expert employees. Almalaurea adopted the model Skill View® for several years promoting the encounter between graduates and companies.

The Association BluMedia, led by psychologist Laura Rabitti, was established in 2006. It has carried out projects of communication, socio-economic research, cultural events and actions aimed at the exploitation of people and their talents, also in terms of their employability.

Experience International supports companies that wish to create “added value” within their organisations through the addition of the best managers on the market and the adoption of the most innovative staff management policies.

HXO (Humanities inventriX Opera) is engaged for more than 20 years in consulting to public and private companies. Its core business is the development of people and the training. Unable to establish long-term relationships with clients based and trust and relationships relational qualities. The values that inspire the company are sustainability, commitment and diversity.

SESVIL srl is a dynamic personnel search and selection company, which provides training and consulting services for private and public enterprises, public and private bodies, organizations and freelancers. SESVIL is always on the lookout for more effective searching sources and provides a large range of consulting services.

PGAsrl was founded over 50 years ago by Pietro Gennaro, renowned professor and consultant. Today the company is led by Alessendro Perini, who inherited by Prof. Gennaro the passion for people and their growth within the framework of the organizations where they live and work.

Through the huge experience of its consultants in organizational projects, performed both in large multinational and in national companies, in a vast variety of industries, Progman Human Resources is able to effectively understand the clients' culture and organizational behaviour.This allow an effective selection of the right candidate for a specific job in a specific company.Progman Human Resources is authorized by the Italian Minister of Labour to operate in the head hunting and replacement industry.

Ad Meliora was established in 2003, blending together Training and Research experiences in order to develop actual tailor made T&D activities. In this vein our distinctive features are: to start projecting from real data and delivering learning through practical involvement of participants. These are our keys for building effective training activities, together with our customers in a co-projected way.

The portal "" is the right answer to meet candidates and job offer, training and franchising. The added value of this portal is to help companies to find candidates to employment, vocational training (master, training courses) and investors in the field of franchising.

Mind-Mercatis is an IT consulting and management firm focused on organizational processes and change management in companies.

Massimo Merlini is a Certified Coach and a specialist in Business coaching; Sport coaching; Life coaching and Team coaching. Is a partner certified for use of "Skill View".

Praxis Management srl is a consulting company that operates in Italy for over20 years. Operates within the reatail innovation and brand development of high commercial value. Adopts advanced models for climate analysis, development of skills and talents.

Studio Coach, founded by Carla Benedetti ICF certified coach, provides services to corporate and entrepreneurs. Her key Business Coach Program integrates Assessment, Training and Business Coaching for corporate customized projects. Studio Coach is a certified partner of Skill View for Coaching.